Alchemize with Us

Private Insight + Sound Experience

This 90-minute Zoom session includes an intuitive card reading + Divine Sound Channeling, creating an interactive ascension experience. You will experience the power of sound vibration, combined with the divinity of channeled light beings to awaken, guide + support you on your journey.

Private Metaphysical Instruction

This two-hour private one-on-one Zoom class allows you to explore various metaphysical and holistic topics in a safe + nurturing container. This interactive learning session is dedicated to expanding your knowledge of one of the following topics:

  • Theory + Technique for Crystal Singing Bowls

  • Understanding Channeling + Higher Vibrational Entities

  • Working with Tarot + Oracle Cards

  • The Chakra System

  • Igniting Your Passion

  • Understanding Moon Phases + How They Impact Your Daily Existence

  • Creating Your Highest Reality

  • Multi-Dimensional Self-Care

  • Ethics in Metaphysics (For Practitioners)